Amazon SEO agency

Product creation, management, control and SEO optimization.

Our expert content teams use proprietary optimization technology to increase product visibility, improve conversion and increase sales.


Our capabilities

With our fredda.® scoring algorithm we analyze, monitor and optimize every detail of the listings to improve performance, market share and visibility.

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Team of more than 15 professionals exclusively specialized in content management and optimization.

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Content and competition monitoring, optimization and control technology

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We are experts in neuromarketing to increase CTR, visibility and conversion

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More than 200,000 products in 8 countries monitored with our technology and managed by our team

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Advanced SEO optimization of listings through know-how and ad-hoc technology

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We scale and manage large catalogs in different countries with native teams

Catalog creation and management

We create, optimize and control your catalog in 6 languages regardless of the number of references and categories.

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Content strategies that sell

Data-driven content optimization to achieve the objectives defined for listings, whether it is conversion, positioning or performance increase in marketing campaigns.

Advanced SEO optimizations based on measurable data

With our fredda.® SEO technology we can measure every detail of the different optimizations we do and see what is really working, while monitoring what the competition is doing in their listings.

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Image design and content creation

We apply visual content neuromarketing techniques to design and create images and content that attract the attention of potential customers, improving CTR, conversion and sales.

Brand Stores

We create stores to achieve the objectives of each brand, whether it is to convert more or generate awareness. We take care of the specifications, creation, design, execution and subsequent optimizations with specific analytics for this purpose.

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A+ and Premium content

With more than 3,000 A+ and Premium contents made, we are experts in making these contents convert as much as possible with our data-driven optimization technology and A-B testing.

Product videos and spin images

We create 360º videos and images focused on selling on Amazon and other ecommerce to increase retention and conversion of potential buyers, increasing product positioning and sales.

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Discover how to optimize and control your content with proprietary technology

We execute A-B testing projects for every factor that can affect conversion, both for listings, stores and marketing campaigns, in order to achieve the established objectives.

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Top 10 techniques to optimize a listing

Receive every week the best tips, tricks and advanced techniques to improve your Amazon strategy.

Do we audit your positioning and optimization level of your catalog?

Contact us with no commitment to make an audit of the current positioning of your listings and proposals on how to improve them.